Don't judge the book by cover
Are we seeing the situation as it is? Are we have enough patience to understand the situation? Are we just judge and take the decision without understanding the deep intricacies of personality?
General attitude of human: we will go to book shop we will not spend enough time understand book reviews and what author is trying to convey, we will see the cover of book, assume and decide this book is worth for me or not. We follow the same pattern in life as well, we see the person outer appearance and decide he is fit for our need or not.
I would say attitude of judgement by seeing outer has to be changed, it will take little extra effort to understand the deeper nature of the person, this understanding nature which will convert many positive traits in you, you will understand the nature of person, he might really suitable for dream and goals, he might have good virtue which you can learn, you might provide great support morally, your assistance might change his life, when we start seeing as it is transformation happen mutually. New creation of event happen mutually, every person is a wonderful book we can learn lot from everyone, non judgemental nature trigger positive transformation and that very understanding nature bring harmony.
Don't judge the person by appearance, start see the person with awareness and as they are which in turn will give great learning.
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