Negative statement is only for Ignorant

Mother Says:”Baby don’t go there, devil is there”, this statement mother says often to the child to bring attention.

That negative statement will makes us to live in control and obedient to others, in childhood you will not know what is fear, that kind of negative statement makes every human oblige to the society.

Think about the world if there is no fear in you, there is no fear about how others think, we will be freely going around with violence, will be like a wild animal.

That negative statement what mother used as a weapon is very powerful to handle ignorance in you to bring order in life.

O Human realize it is just a weapon mother used to handle her kid, as grown one you aware fear exist only in your mind nothing outside.

As Enlightened Human you are in total control of every situation, you are totally conscious about everything in life.

Conclusion: Negative statement used as weapon for ignorant not for Enlightened.


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