Mind Maps
Have any idea about mind maps..
I was listening to chant “OM MANE PADME HUM” and closing my eyes, chanting the same, chant is basically Buddhist chant.
I was singing the chant with Joy by listening in Amazon music station, suddenly Buddha thought flashes my mind and next my mind thinks about Bodhi dharma, next I am having thought of Chinese president Xi Jin ping and next I am getting the thought of Chinese visit to Mamallapuram.
Have you ever observed there is connection between your thoughts, if you haven’t noticed, you can, it is a wonderful experiment.
There is connection between your thoughts, if you back track of your thoughts you will wonder it will come from nothing.
Most importantly there will be connection between your thoughts.
J Krishna murti he is a known Indian Philosopher, writer and Speaker, in his book described about the mind maps very neatly.
If you have time read that book..
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