Mind and Bullock Cart with Farmer
In a village farmers will have a bullock cart, if we try to understand the bullock cart and farmer, we can understand our mind and its control. If we closely watch, to move forward with the help of bullock cart, farmers use two power techniques to control the bull. First, he will tightly hold the rein which is tied with the bull. Second, he will hold the stick. These two are powerful weapons for farmers to control the bull and make it reach the destiny. Our mind behaves a similar way, we have to closely watch every act of our mind, how it behaves, is it going in the right direction we wanted, and mind will wander like a bull if there is no control, our mind gets distracted easily by worldly pleasures if there is no control.
There are methods to control your mind, 1. Meditation
2. Exercise
3. Brainstorming yourselves are we going in the right
4. Reading books that will make you better controlled.
These are methods we can call REIN to keep control.
1. Self-control.2. Self-discipline can be compared to STICK.
If we don’t have these qualities we cannot achieve
what we want in life If we watch goddess Kamakshi, Lord Ganesh, Lord Jesus
etc.. used whip symbolically in their hands,
The intention of using the whip is when our mind is
deviating our path it has to be it by the whip to make us go in the right direction as
we do it for the bull.
There are many methods and qualities to control your
mind, you can choose yours accordingly.
All the Best!!!
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