Why our mind is clouded with our problems

Why our mind is clouded with our problems , why we cannot see it as separate entity of task to solve our issues, it requires maturity see it as a separate issue? instead mind over thinks about problem. If I speak with example you may understand what I am talking about.
Father want to construct a house, he will add lot of emotions in to his plan to construct his house , he will think it is prestigious issue if I didn't construct the house well he will feel no body should insult my family, for that what he will do, buy huge amount of loan and with over burden he will complete his house for the sake of others not for his need.
As matured individual , instead of going for big loan , he can think about his need, he can question himself what is my need, what I can do to complete the house for my need and can go for little and manageable loans if needed , instead of getting over burdening him and his family.
I took this situation as an example, there may be very critical situation ,we add more emotion in to our daily needs and we create more complex to our life , if we are matured individual you will not add emotion into any of your material needs, you will see it as another task.
There should be difference in seeing your problem. If it is life issue we can take seriously, like relationship, health etc. Currently i see people are reacting sensitive to material needs, they are not giving importance to health, relationship etc. Seriously, they are vise versa.
Kindly prioritize your issue, if it is material in nature don't add emotion to it ,i can understand that is how most of the people around , but if you add emotion to the material issue you cannot lead happy and peaceful life, as a matured individual we need to educate our family members , emotional and sensitive nature has to be given to health and relationship not to the material nature of problems or need.
All the best!!!


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