Be Courage at Work

I am working with a manager, the manager is not kind, doesn't understand, never listens, and hurts others' feelings and emotions. Daily I need to suppress my feelings I will not able to express what I feel, he hurt others as well, and many have such feelings about his behavior. one day my manager criticized my work, attitude, and how I work. I was feeling bad about the situation. I didn't sleep that night for the critical behavior, next day I took leave and went massage center to cool my body and mind. Then I came to work and I didn't talk to my manager about his behavior, I was feeling how he can hurt me. How he can show his attitude? Then after 5 days, I sent a mail to the manager for my utilization of work by copying to senior manager this situation created pain for my manager, he called and shouted at me how you can send mail like to senior management, then I don't listen to his words I argued back for his harsh nature. Then I consulted my senior manager, a senior manager said to send a mail about why you want to come out from the company. Senior Management understood my view they made HR talk with me, and they changed me to another project. now things are changed we'll, I can work peacefully with my office colleagues.

Sometimes our courageous decision will create a positive impact on our lives.

Slowly many team members from another project welcome me well.

Suppression of our thoughts creates pain, it is better to express it.

Better changes will happen in our lives.


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