Power of Hug

Have you hugged your child?, your wife?, or your mother?, How much do you feel love in that hug? When a playing child fell and got severely injured mother will bring the child close to her and hugs them, and the child immediately stops the cry and starts playing.

 The love between partners when they miss each other when they meet after a long time hug between them shows how much they missed in their life. 

Why the hug is so powerful and natural? If The man was missing the hug with his child and partner for a long time. He was longing for a long time he was not able to express it, he remembers while others hug their partners and child.

 Sometimes he has a mother to hug. He felt so precious when he hugs his mother. But he sees the difference between the hug, 

Hugs between a mother, hugs between a child, and hugs between a partner, are huge differences and differences in love.

 Differed from person to close one, person to a child, and person to friend. 

Did you notice when a person is missing someone long time in his life he feels a difference?

 Friend, mother, child, or life partner whomever he/she misses, longing will be there. We can be happy for whom we have in our life and can experience love. So never miss the hug for your beloved ones it is powerful!


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