
Showing posts from May, 2019
Secret Cave
Path to Enlightenment
Green Lush

Negative statement is only for Ignorant

Mother Says:”Baby don’t go there, devil is there”, this statement mother says often to the child to bring attention. That negative statement will makes us to live in control and obedient to others, in childhood you will not know what is fear, that kind of negative statement makes every human oblige to the society. Think about the world if there is no fear in you, there is no fear about how others think, we will be freely going around with violence, will be like a wild animal. That negative statement what mother used as a weapon is very powerful to handle ignorance in you to bring order in life. O Human realize it is just a weapon mother used to handle her kid, as grown one you aware fear exist only in your mind nothing outside. As Enlightened Human you are in total control of every situation, you are totally conscious about everything in life. Conclusion: Negative statement used as weapon for ignorant not for Enlightened.

Imagination Vs Reality

Childhood Sundays are special, full of excitement, Start thinking about next day how we are going to spend,  early morning we woke up and sit in front of mother, helping mother to make coffee , those days we will not have gas cylinder, we will be using sticks and dry leafs for firing, once had coffee will be waiting for sunrise  to come up and keeping the cricket kit ready, once sun is dawn will be rushing to play with friends, that whole day will be fun.  That excitement will be there when we travel  out with parents for movie or exhibition, days are changing our excitement level is decreasing we are getting easily what we need in our life we don't know the value of what we get in life.  In general we as human has a habit of day dreaming about past and future, in childhood we accept as it is we will be excited about the event and we express happiness or sadness as we feel the situation,  Involvement what childhood give is with full, commitmen...

Don't judge the book by cover

Are we seeing the situation as it is? Are we have enough patience to understand the situation? Are we just judge and take the decision without understanding the deep intricacies of personality? General attitude of human: we will go to book shop we will not spend enough time understand book reviews and what author is trying to convey, we will see the cover of book, assume and decide this book is worth for me or not. We follow the same pattern in life as well, we see the person outer appearance and decide he is fit for our need or not. I would say attitude of judgement by seeing outer has to be changed, it will take little extra effort to understand the deeper nature of the person, this understanding nature which will convert many positive traits in you, you will understand the nature of person, he might really suitable for dream and goals, he might have good virtue which you can learn, you might provide great support morally, your assistance might change his life, when we start se...