

Mother, you are innocent when you care me You are strong when problem comes to me You nurture for well being of me You starve sometimes for feeding me You hold weapon like words to control me if i do mistakes You educate me to handle egoistic nature of the world You are the light You dispel the darkness in me You hold me like always in womb You feel my sadness like yours You feel my happiness like yours You are unselfish person You hold righteous in you by nature Dedicated to MOTHER..

Mind Maps

Have any idea about mind maps.. I was listening to chant “OM MANE PADME HUM” and closing my eyes, chanting the same, chant is basically Buddhist chant. I was singing the chant with Joy by listening in Amazon music station, suddenly Buddha thought flashes my mind and next my mind thinks about Bodhi dharma, next I am having thought of Chinese president Xi Jin ping and next I am getting the thought of Chinese visit to Mamallapuram. Have you ever observed there is connection between your thoughts, if you haven’t noticed, you can, it is a wonderful experiment. There is connection between your thoughts, if you back track of your thoughts you will wonder it will come from nothing. Most importantly there will be connection between your thoughts. J Krishna murti he is a known Indian Philosopher, writer and Speaker, in his book described about the mind maps very neatly. If you have time read that book.. Thought to share

Why i easily affected with misery ? why easily get sadness?

Why i easily affected with misery ? why easily get sadness? 10 years old boy walking in the street he saw group of people taking the dead body to the funeral, once he saw his mind flooded with sadness he felt like i will also die one day, he become sad by seeing the dead body. mostly everyone is like 10 years old boy we cannot accept the reality as it is , we cannot feel even we will die at some point for some reason, easily we get sadness in us, our mind is so fragile it get disturbed easily by seeing the day to day events,  25 years old girl got an job, unfortunately she was late to office for some reason, manager scolded her for late, immediately she was mentally upset for the situation her whole day disturbed because of her late to office. we are like the 10 year old boy and 25 years old girl our mind is getting impacted for various reasons and we become sad for some situation. these sadness or misery is deep rooted in all our life in different facets of...

How do we define happiness?

How do we define happiness? if we ask one year old child happiness depends on some toys, if we ask five years old boy he would say playing games with friends, if we ask teen age boy/girls making love is highest happiness, if we ask working profession his happiness lives in finding dream job or marrying beautiful girl. so need for happiness varies person to person but happiness remains same, we are chasing the object, thinking that happiness present in that object only, All the living creatures think happiness is something out there, have you had quest to find the happiness? have thought about endless moments of happiness exists? we as a human should penetrate with in ourselves, ask ourselves where the happiness is endless...? for this endless happiness whole world running for , dreaming for , but we think it is something out there in object... when we shut our demands, dreams , work for what is only need for basic survival, there...


I want to Narrate one instance,  Morning waking up 6 am going for Jog or doing some form of excercise or no excercise activities, finishing morning routine work and going for job, busy in focussing on job, eating lunch , no nap, continuing the work, evening having snacks with friends, doing work and by the end of day around 7 pm we will be starting from office, while you reach home you will have headache, you will go home and have food and sleep with pain, how many of them faced this situation in your work and life? did you miss something to address?  I would say yes, many including me have faced this situation in work and life, simple and powerful solution I would recommend is "BREATH" ,sit comfortably in chair focus on deep and slow inhale and exhale for 5 mins when you get stressed in job, this make body and mind relax. Immediately you can bring smile in your face and you can work effectively. Relationship with Peers get improved and there will be joy in your ev...

Silence,Joy of being alone

Silence is filled with in, which may not attainable easily, needs some practice to cultivate. Once Silence is filled with in,Joy follows easily, I feel tranquil, there is no ups and downs in my thoughts, I feel calmness in me, I am not rushed to wordly life staying present and awake.If silence is the source of Higher happiness, why we avoid being alone and try to experience the silence.

Zen Garden
